Sunday, September 10, 2017

Yesterday I had the honor of appearing with none other than President Abraham Lincoln at the cabin shown here on the grounds of Fort Belmont, Jackson, MN. Mister Lincoln was asked to present his famous Gettyburg Address which he performed flawlessly. We were at Fort Belmont to celebrate Pioneer Days, which closes the site for the season. We also discussed the Dakota Conflict of 1862, during which settlers in Jackson were killed and the remainder fled from the county, leaving it abandoned for three years. Our literature about the Dakota Conflict was offered for sale with a significant amount of each sale donated to Fort Belmont, a non-profit organization. We hope you can come and visit us next year.

Buy "Blood on the Prairie: A Novel of the Sioux Uprising" at Amazon in the format of your choice at the link below:

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Pioneer Days at Fort Belmont, Jackson, MN, September 9-10, 2017

Come on down to Jackson MN this weekend and join in the fun. See above events. Fort Belmont is conveniently located adjacent to interstate 90 at Jackson, Minnesota.

While you are here, get your signed souvenir copy of the trade paperback "Blood on the Prairie: A Novel of the Sioux Uprising." Price $14.95. For every book sold, $5.00 will be donated to the support of Fort Belmont, a private non-profit organization.

Buy "Blood on the Prairie: A Novel of the Sioux Uprising" in the format of your choice at Amazon at the link below:

Saturday, September 2, 2017

1862 Dakota Conflict: The Battle of Birch Coulee, September 2-3, 1862

The great Sioux uprising which began on August 17, 1862 at Acton continues to rage like wildfire across southern Minnesota. Colonel Henry Sibley, leading the Sixth Minnesota Regiment and volunteers, the Indian Expedition as it is called, is encamped at Fort Ridgley. He sends out a scouting party and burial detail today to the area known as Birch Coulee. The detail meets Little Crow's warriors who are en route to destroy Mankato and St. Peter like they had New Ulm several days ago. The battle of  Birch Coulee is underway.

Buy "Blood on the Prairie: A Novel of the Sioux Uprising" in the format of your choice at Amazon at the link below: