Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blood on the Prairie Sesquicentennial Edition

197 downloads so far on the weekend free promotion for Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising Sesquicentennial Edition. The promotion will run through the weekend so enjoy!

Kindle Prime members also get the book free through the Lending Library so you don't need to mes with the free downloads - you get the book free anyway. If Kindle owners wish to buy the book, it is just $3.00 through this promotion and then it is yours forever. When the hardcover edition comes out shortly it will be priced at $24.99 so Ebook readers get a fabulous deal through Amazon. The text is exactly the same.

2012 is the 150th anniversary of the Great Sioux Uprising, part of the American Civil War. This sesquicentennial edition is a character driven novel of ordinary people like you and me caught up in extraordinary circumstances who cope with life as best they know how. Powerful drama based on real events.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Blood on the Prairie Sesquicentennial Edition Free Promotion

The Ebook is all set up here on Amazon, and this entire weekend we will offer a free promotion. Course, if you want to read it now, the introductory price is just three bucks, and Kindle Prime users can borrow it free at the Lending Library. Go ahead. Enjoy.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Blood on the Prairie Sesquicentennial Edition

This story combines the best of Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising and The Revenge of Little Crow with some new material added in. Public domain material, American Civil War songs, and actual military correspondence surrounding the Sioux Uprising, from President Lincoln on down, support the story line of ordinary people, both white and Indian, facing extraordinary circumstances who cope with life the best they can. The sesquicentennial edition will be out in hardcover in a few weeks. It will be available as an Ebook at Amazon within a few days. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising

16 Ebooks bought or borrowed so far this month. My thanks to all who have made this happen.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising Sesquicentennial Edition

The Photo Contest is over and the winning photo for the book cover is the kneeling shot while shooting off-camera with the Remington revolver lying on the grass in the foreground. It was fun.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dreams, Creativity & Mental Health

Glen Just's textbook on the neurophysiology of the brain is now available at Amazon both as Ebook and paperback.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising

Ol' Toby Ryker planned on attending the New Ulm, MN Trade Fair today, but shucks, it didn't happen. The Trade Fair, held at Turner Hall, is like a fur trapper's rendezvous with everything from hides to clothing and costumes, weapons, knives, all the truck that a fur trapper would need in the early 1800's. Oh, well, as Ryker would say, "Maybe next year."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dreams, Creativity & Mental Health by Glen A. Just

It's official! The long-awaited epic conclusion to the three book series by Glen A. Just is published. This 19 chapter, 267,000 word chronicle pulls together the information contained in Autobiography of a Ghost and Mind of the Mystic and analyzes it based upon Glen's self-experimentation with altered states of consciousness and the current research on dreams from around the world. This book includes an extensive bibliography and is a springboard for further research on self-hypnosis, dreams, nightmares, and all things related to neurophysiology. This fascinating study is a textbook and contains background material for Ph.D. candidates and thesis construction. The book will be available shortly at Amazon and other online bookstores for $29.95. Discounts may apply. It will soon be available as Ebook on Amazon as well as through the Lending Library for Kindle Prime users.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising

We'll try this again as the last upload disappeared into cyberspace. We finally snared ol' Ryker last night as he was peeking into windows at the condo. At gunpoint we forced him to pose for some new publicity shots. One of these will be used on the back cover of the hardcover sesquicentennial edition. Would appreciate your feedback as to which picture you prefer to see on the cover. Thanks. Steve

Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising

Well, we got some pictures of Ryker. caught him in a snare, last night and at gunpoint forced him to pose for some pictures. Here's a sample. Which one do you think we should put on the flap of Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising Sesquicentennial Edition? This will be a hardcover version we will publish in a few days.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blood on the Prairie - A Novel of the Sioux Uprising

Many thanks for your great support of this title, both in paperback and Ebook. Work continues on the hardcover sesquicentennial edition for you collectors to place in your personal libraries. All we have to do yet is corner ol' Ryker and get him to stand still long enough that we can get a picture of him for the cover flap. He's an elusive old fart!