"Hawkins County" has a dual story line until well into the second act. You have already met Pat O'Connor, the delinquent teenage boy on the run from the law. The premise of his story line: Can Pat O'Connor continue to elude capture by law enforcement for probation violation? Now in chapter 2, you will meet Jack Johnson, a nerdy college student whose life becomes enmeshed with Pat O'Connor's in way the two can not yet imagine. This is the second story line, with Jack Johnson being the antagonist to the protagonist Pat O'Connor.
Geez Louise, I need a job and bad! Since he was always too busy goofing off during his college days to think about careers and jobs, he had no idea where to start looking for work and for a minute, it became his demon. However, a minute later he convinced himself not to worry about all that mundane stuff right now. Something would come along. it had to.
During the lull, jack scanned the bleachers to occupy himself. He spied a fat lady, resplendent in her matching polyester knit blouse and slacks, the best Taiwan had to offer, sitting high up and off to his right. She hacked as though she had smoker's cough or maybe the flu, generously sharing her airborne bacteria with everybody seated around her. Her name was Bernice Putsky, an aunt of Percy Putsky, one of the graduates, and the very last place she wanted to be was sitting in a hot, cramped fieldhouse.
"That's my nephew down there," Bernice said, nudging the woman sitting next to her, whom she knew as well as Jack Johnson, now staring at them both.
"That's nice," the woman replied, studying the mole on Bernice's face for a moment before following her finger out into the vast sea of graduates. "Is he the one looking at us?"
"No, I don't know who that idiot is," Bernice replied. "Percy is three rows behind him, the one picking his nose...oops, he's done now."
"Darn, afraid I missed him," the woman replied. (to be continued)
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