Saturday, April 13, 2013

Serialization: "Hawkins County" Chapter 1 - A novel of 1970s Americana


"Yeah Pat, we need to talk to you," Ken said.

Rather than comply, Pat backed away from the bluff top until the two men were unable to see him. This forced the officers to decide if they should go ahead and do what neither wanted to. Should they climb the twenty feet or so to the top of the bluff and with a ton of luck capture the boy? Then they'd still have to drag him all the way back down to the squad car and haul him off to jail. On the other hand, maybe they should just call it quits and and admit the kid had bested them once again. Ken, dressed in his suit like always, hated the idea of getting it dirty crawling around on the bluff. The sheriff was in uniform and thus better outfitted for the climb, but he was also wearing his cowboy boots. With their smooth soles, they were much too slippery to get a good footing in the loose clay soil.

"He's getting away!" Connie said. 

You can read this story either as an Ebook or as an Epub at by going to the following link. Lulu was the first to bring Hawkins County to the marketplace. Special devices such as kindle or nook are not necessary, but can be used, to read these versions. Also available in paperback at Lulu.


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